Did you harvest any turnips before the big snow? Our GMS Environmental/Ag students sure did!
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
GMS Environmental/Ag students
GMS Environmental/Ag students
GMS Environmental/Ag students
Making learning fun! Mrs. Parsons' Accounting A students played Monopoly- learning how to record transactions, balance a check register and the importance of accurate record keeping. As they learn more about Accounting the game will provide a fun way to practice skills!
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Mrs. Parsons' Accounting A Class
Mrs. Parsons' Accounting A Class
This is a message from the Garrard County Board of Education. Garrard County Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 7th, 2022. Tomorrow will be a SNOW DAY- students and staff will not report to classes. Enjoy your day off!
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Snow Day Graphic
Due to the incoming inclement weather, there will be NO Test to Stay occurring this afternoon, January 6th, 2022.
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
FYI Graphic
This is a message from Garrard County Board of Education. Garrard County Schools will be will be utilizing a Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) Day tomorrow, Thursday January 6th, 2022. Students will report to classes virtually. All staff members will report in person to their designated schools. Please review the NTI expectations and schedules on your school’s website. https://www.garrard.k12.ky.us/
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
NTI Day Tomorrow Graphic
Transformation Tuesdays are back! Today's post brought to you by Mr. Bret Baierlein at Garrard County High School! #transformationtuesdays
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Transformation Tuesday- Bret Baierlein
Christmas Break may be over, but our love for reading is not! One last bedtime story before we return to school on Tuesday! Mrs. Lawson is reading a book from a VERY special place- take a listen! Everyone sleep softly tonight, and we will see you tomorrow! Click the link below to listen to Mrs. Lawson's story! https://drive.google.com/file/d/16T7JiZdGPBSepT29-TBBzDlGOXxL4xb9/view?usp=sharing
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
This is a message from Garrard County Schools. Garrard County Schools has a new app! Find documents, events, and news updates. Download on Android: https://bit.ly/31h6vrv or iPhone: https://apple.co/3Ew0QvW.
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
App Roll Out Graphic
GCS Students and Families: On December 16, 2021, the Garrard County School Board updated the district COVID-19 plan. The full plan is available for review on the district's website. The primary change to the plan was to allow parents, students, and staff the ability to decide if they would wear a mask. As we return to classes, parents, students, and staff can opt to wear a mask or not to wear a mask. This option does not extend to buses or other district transportation. A federal mandate remains in place for masking on buses and other district transportation. Please note there are no changes to other protocols or expectations. Parents & guardians should continue to assess students prior to sending or bringing them to school. Students who are sick should remain home. Students who have been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting a result should not attend school until a negative result has been received. Click the link below to read the full announcement: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1768559/COVID_19_Update_Announcement__2_.pdf
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Garrard County Schools staff devoted time this morning to learning about diversity, equity, and inclusion in schools. Thank you to Dr. Roger Cleveland for leading this important training!
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Diversity Equity Inclusion Training
Diversity Equity Inclusion Training
Diversity Equity Inclusion Training
Diversity Equity Inclusion Training
We hope everyone has enjoyed the break! Just a reminder, tomorrow January 3rd 2022 will be a Staff Day- no students. We will see all of our students on Tuesday!
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Calendar Reminder Graphic
Students and staff from Camp Dick Robinson and Garrard County High School volunteered some of their time this weekend to ring the Salvation Army bell!🔔
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
CDR Salvation Army Bell Ringing
softball Salvation Army Bell Ringing
FFA Salvation Army Bell Ringing
CDR Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Happy Friday! Today we are featuring Mrs. Rachel Russell at Garrard Middle School. Read below to learn a little about Mrs. Russell! #featurefriday
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Staff Spotlight: Rachel Russell
Thank you to Yoder's Custom Processing, Inc, for sponsoring the Garrard County High School FFA Big Buck Contest. The contest winners were announced and presented with awards from Yoder's today during the FFA club meeting. 1st Place: Logan Madison 2nd Place: Josh Jordan 3rd Place: Wyatt Fielder People's Choice Award: Logan Madison
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
BIG Buck Competition-GCHS FFA
BIG Buck Competition-GCHS FFA
BIG Buck Competition-GCHS FFA
BIG Buck Competition-GCHS FFA
We are thankful for our GCHS JAG Program and their constant effort to help the community! This week, students collected donations to send to Western Kentucky. Thank you to all that donated.
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
JAG Water Donation
JAG Water Donation
JAG Water Donation
Garrard County Schools is excited to announce Mr. Spencer Crutchfield as the new Garrard County High School Head Football Coach!
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Football Announcement Graphic
Happy Wellness Wednesday! Mrs. Owens' Girls Fitness class created new routines that include crunches, push ups and planks! #wellnesswednesday
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Wellness Wednesday: GCHS Girls Fitness Class
HUGE thank you to Whitaker Bank for providing all of our elementary students with school t-shirts!
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
School Tshirts-CDR
School Tshirts-CDR
School Tshirts-LES
School Tshirts-PLE
This Transformation Tuesday brought to you by Ms. Rebecca Peniston at Paint Lick Elementary! #transformationtuesday
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
Transformation Tuesday- Rebecca Peniston
Thanks to the GC Youth Service Center and Mrs. Kelley Gillum for giving a group of GCHS seniors the opportunity to visit Bluegrass Community & Technical College (BCTC) on Manufacturing Day!
about 3 years ago, Garrard County Schools
BCTC Visit
BCTC Visit
BCTC Visit
BCTC Applicants